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Chemical / Solution, CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY LIKE ACTIVATION POWDER & FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATING MACHINES. Chemical and Allied products incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money, defaced money and stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality. OTHERS FOR DAMAGED NOTES, BILLS LIKE USD, EURO, POUNDS WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected] SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency. Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our SSD Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and all other local currencies.  contact our physician WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected]       " /> #icon, #bit-notification-bar-iframe, ::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator { filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg) contrast(90%) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor] { background-color: var(--darkreader-inline-bgcolor) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-bgimage] { background-image: var(--darkreader-inline-bgimage) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-border] { border-color: var(--darkreader-inline-border) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-border-bottom] { border-bottom-color: var(--darkreader-inline-border-bottom) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-border-left] { border-left-color: var(--darkreader-inline-border-left) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-border-right] { border-right-color: var(--darkreader-inline-border-right) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-border-top] { border-top-color: var(--darkreader-inline-border-top) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-boxshadow] { box-shadow: var(--darkreader-inline-boxshadow) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-color] { color: var(--darkreader-inline-color) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-fill] { fill: var(--darkreader-inline-fill) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-stroke] { stroke: var(--darkreader-inline-stroke) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-outline] { outline-color: var(--darkreader-inline-outline) !important; } [data-darkreader-inline-stopcolor] { stop-color: var(--darkreader-inline-stopcolor) !important; } :root { --darkreader-neutral-background: #131516; --darkreader-neutral-text: #d8d4cf; --darkreader-selection-background: #004daa; --darkreader-selection-text: #e8e6e3; } html { color-scheme: dark !important; } html, body { border-color: #736b5e; color: #e8e6e3; } a { color: #3391ff; } table { border-color: #545b5e; } ::placeholder { color: #b2aba1; } input:-webkit-autofill, textarea:-webkit-autofill, select:-webkit-autofill { background-color: #404400 !important; color: #e8e6e3 !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { background-color: #202324; color: #aba499; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #454a4d; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background-color: #575e62; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:active { background-color: #484e51; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: #181a1b; } ::selection { background-color: #004daa !important; color: #e8e6e3 !important; } ::-moz-selection { background-color: #004daa !important; color: #e8e6e3 !important; } .vimvixen-hint { background-color: #7b5300 !important; border-color: #d8b013 !important; color: #f3e8c8 !important; } #vimvixen-console-frame { color-scheme: light !important } ::placeholder { opacity: 0.5 !important; } #edge-translate-panel-body, .MuiTypography-body1, .nfe-quote-text { color: var(--darkreader-neutral-text) !important; } gr-main-header { background-color: #0f3a48 !important; } .tou-z65h9k, .tou-mignzq, .tou-1b6i2ox, .tou-lnqlqk { background-color: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } .tou-75mvi { background-color: #032029 !important; } .tou-ta9e87, .tou-1w3fhi0, .tou-1b8t2us, .tou-py7lfi, .tou-1lpmd9d, .tou-1frrtv8, .tou-17ezmgn { background-color: #0a0a0a !important; } .tou-uknfeu { background-color: #231603 !important; } .tou-6i3zyv { background-color: #19576c !important; } div.mermaid-viewer-control-panel .btn { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-text); background-color: var(--darkreader-neutral-background); } svg g rect.er { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } svg g rect.er.entityBox { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } svg g rect.er.attributeBoxOdd { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } svg g rect.er.attributeBoxEven { fill-opacity: 0.8 !important; fill: var(--darkreader-selection-background); } svg rect.er.relationshipLabelBox { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } svg g g.nodes rect, svg g g.nodes polygon { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } svg g rect.task { fill: var(--darkreader-selection-background) !important; } svg line.messageLine0, svg line.messageLine1 { stroke: var(--darkreader-neutral-text) !important; } div.mermaid .actor { fill: var(--darkreader-neutral-background) !important; } embed[type="application/pdf"][src="about:blank"] { filter: invert(100%) contrast(90%); } SSD BLACK MONEY CLEANING SERVICES+256708536477, PRODUCTS AND ACTIVATING MACHINE   WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE TOURMALINE, S.S.D. Chemical / Solution, CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY LIKE ACTIVATION POWDER & FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATING MACHINES. Chemical and Allied products incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money, defaced money and stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality. OTHERS FOR DAMAGED NOTES, BILLS LIKE USD, EURO, POUNDS WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected] SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency. Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our SSD Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and all other local currencies.  contact our physician WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected]       " />
ID 34170




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WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE TOURMALINE, S.S.D. Chemical / Solution, CASTRO X OXIDE, A4. AND MANY LIKE ACTIVATION POWDER & FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATING MACHINES. Chemical and Allied products incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of S.S.D Automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money, defaced money and stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality. OTHERS FOR DAMAGED NOTES, BILLS LIKE USD, EURO, POUNDS
WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected]
We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency. Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our SSD Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti-breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and all other local currencies. 
contact our physician WhatsApp/Call +256708536477 Email: [email protected]