ID 43236
Safe Delivery Door to Door CAS: 73-78-9 Chinese Factory, 99% Purity Lidocaine 10 GEL




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.Lidocaine hcl is an amide local anesthetic. With the dose increased, the role or toxicity increased, there is an anti-convulsive effect with sub-poisoning plasma concentration; Blood concentration of more than 5μg • ml-1 can occur convulsions.


  • Lidocaine hcl in low doses can promote outflow of K+ in cardiomyocytes, reduce myocardial autonomy, and has antiarrhythmic effects.  Increased plasma concentration may cause slowing of heart conduction, atrioventricular block, inhibition of myocardial contractility and decreased cardiac output.

What is lidocaine?

Lidocaine acts as a local anesthetic by reversibly blocking sodium channels and blocking the transmission of action potentials along nerve fibers. Sensory fibers are blocked earlier than motor fibers, so low doses of lidocaine can act as a selective sensory block. Lidocaine also has antiarrhythmic effects, belonging to class I and b antiarrhythmic drugs.